How To Become More Creative

Think from different perspectives. Allow yourself to visualize what others might see in everyday life.

Creativity is a powerful component to entrepreneurial success. It changes perception. Evokes positive and negative feelings. Think of creativity as another planet that inhabits a solar system of marketing. You want to drive up values and attitudes more than by profit, which is why that “out-of-the-box-thinking” is critical when promoting your brand. Having an artistic mindset enables you to experiment with expression, which creates quirky and clever ways to sell something. The human mind loves expression. And to generate that appeal raises awareness to your business. 

We’ve heard it before. “I don’t have a creative bone in my body”. Ok. I understand. But someone who thinks entirely with their left brain instead of their right doesn’t make them incapable of turning heads. Our whole shtick is to foster the creativity that you most likely have but have just never that a real opportunity or direction to channel it effectively. There are mathematicians and scientists who seem dull with black and white logic, but there’s usually an underpinning imagination that they haven’t tapped into. Don’t rule it out until you’ve at least tried it with the right tools and resources. We’re here to help you surface that hidden talent.

Think from different perspectives. Allow yourself to visualize what others might see in everyday life. Consider the difference between introverts and extroverts. Pay attention to colors and shapes and how there are psychological responses when looking at these aspects. Utilize the 5 senses to your advantage. Sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. If you can harness these functions with a creative flair, your marketing skill will skyrocket. Appeal to the deepest emotions to get your audience to react. Think of your favorite artist, musician, actor, movie, restaurant, theme park. What makes them your favorite? What do they do that makes them stand out among the rest? Use that influence to guide your own vision.

Written by Matt Green

Photo by Nishant Jain

Mariah Green

I’m a professional photographer for delicious food, hospitality, and wellness and the founder of JoiLuvv Creative Agency where we help businesses through creative services to enhance and build their brand. I’m an entrepreneur and creator.

My true passion and drive in life is creativity and learning. I believe we are all multi-faceted and honoring every part of ourselves helps us live fulfilling and authentic lives.

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